

Google Data Analytics by Coursera [Link]June 2023

Google Project Management by Coursera [Link]July 2023


1. University of Arizona, Department of Pediatrics       February 2023, August 2023

0.5 FTE with Full Tuition Remission

2. Contextual Master Award, Tata Consultancy Services       March 2022

Promotion as Senior ETL Developer along with salary increment of 14% and bonus of 20,000 INR.

Project Image

As a senior ETL developer, I had been working closely with our client(a leading financial service corporation) for over two and a half years when a major merger reshaped the organisation structure. The merger meant expanding the brick-and-mortar branches and retrofitting critical customer data security.
Given the tight timeline, I leveraged my previous experience with the Protegrity platform to step up and lead the project. I meticulously identified areas needing support, compared and modified codes, and collaborated with my fellow developers.
Through my efforts, we not only resolved the client's issues but also improved system performance and reduced code execution time by 30%. This proactive approach built confidence, strengthened customer relationships, and contributed to efficient operations and revenue generation.
My strategy and dedication earned recognition from the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and his team, resulting in a significant reduction in our annual IT budget. This success solidified our client's trust in our partnership, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.
My journey underscored the importance of adaptability, expertise, and collaborative problem-solving in navigating change successfully.

3. NEN Champions Runners-Up Award       March 2016

For contributions to entrepreneurship education and innovation at the National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) by Wadhwani Foundation